Wednesday 19 April 2023

Questionnaire results

 I used Instagram polls because it is easier of target the audience to access and answer the questions.

Thursday 13 April 2023

First photoshoot


Lighting and angles need reform!


 my questionnaire will include:

1. Demographics




Income Level

2. Fitness and habits Goals

How often do you engage in physical activity

Preferred types of workouts

Primary fitness goals

3.Fitness content Preferences

What type of fitness content interests you the most

4.Magazine format

How often would you like to receive access to new content

5.content topics

Are there any wellness or lifestyle topics you would like to see covered in the magazine

6.Engagement channels

where do you typically consume fitness content

7.Preferred Magazine Features

would you be interested in success stories from real individuals on their fitness journey

8. Pricing & Subscription

what price range would you consider reasonable for a fitness magazine

9. Additional feedback

Is there anything specifc you would like to share about your expectations for this fitness magazine


  Thank you for the enlightening journey. Goodbye for now, but the skills i have learned will stay with me always.